IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Capitalization Initiative for the Innovation and Internationalization of the MED economic and knowledge system


CITEK - Capitalisation Initiative for the Innovation and Internationalisation of the MED economic and knowledge system - is a project financed by the MED transnational programme within the scope of its capitalisation strategy.
The project supports the setting up of a Mediterranean trans-local innovation system involving the players in the innovation triangle (associations and SMEs, public administration and research centres). It is aimed at fostering the competitiveness of MED SMEs and cooperatives by promoting a new public-private partnership to support innovation based on integration with internationalisation strategies and a more open approach to knowledge transfer. The project partners wish to promote the implementation of a pilot open data system to raise awareness among partners, public bodies and SMEs about the importance and opportunity offered by this system.


IPN's involvement in this project focused on developing and implementing a pilot open data system. During the project a set of meetings were organised with experts in the field to gather knowledge for developing a set of guidelines relating to the topic and raising project partners' awareness of the subject. The knowledge gathered in those meetings was used to develop a document about open data that is available here.
Following the implementation of the pilot open data system, IPN participated in the transferring of datasets from territorial cooperation projects (IKTIMED, ICS, R&D) from their databases to a new customised open data web space based on the CKAN platform. The platform is available at http://ckan.citek.ipn.pt/.
Lastly, IPN was responsible for the organisation of a transnational open data event in Coimbra that aimed to raise awareness of the importance and opportunities related to this topic. The event was held on October 16th-17th, 2014 with the participation of top European players in the field. More information about the event can be found on the event website http://rawopendata.ipn.pt.

Project Reference



MED Programme



Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



Região de Marche - Departamento de Internacionalização, Cultura, Turismo, Comércio e actividades de promoção, Itália (IT); Universidade de Maribor, Eslovénia (SI); ADRAL - Agência de Desenvolvimento Regional do Alentejo, Portugal (PT); CNA Emilia Romagna, Itália (IT); Condado de Zadar, Croácia (HR); Fundação CECOC, Espanha (ES); UAB Parque de Investigação da Universidade Autónoma de Barcelona, Espanha (ES); OXALIS SCOP S.A, França (FR); IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes, Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento em Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (PT).




CITEK, open data