IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Quality Policy

IPN has three of its R&DT Laboratories with accredited tests according to ISO 17025 standard, LED&MAT, LABGEO* and FITOLAB. It also has a laboratory, LAS, which is certified according to the EN ISO 13485 standard

Get to know our laboratories
Considering the Management System (MS) of the Laboratories in the scope of accreditation (LED&MAT, LABGEO* and FITOLAB) and certification (LAS), Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), based on the general objectives, has the following Quality Policy:

Full compliance with applicable requirements, in particular NP EN ISO/IEC 17025, EN ISO 13485 and EU Regulation 2017/745
Provision of high quality services based on the consistent operation of the laboratories
The development of safe products/prototypes with high quality standards, in accordance with applicable regulatory requirements
Commitment to guarantee impartiality and independence in relation to good professional practices
The requirement that all employees are duly familiar with the MS documentation and apply the policies and procedures in carrying out their work
Search for continuous improvement through training, motivation and adequate working conditions
To ensure that the functioning of the MS guarantees the definition, fulfillment and review of Quality Objectives from a perspective of continuous improvement

* Voluntary Suspension since 27-06-2024