IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Mobilizing Technological Skills in Surface Engineering


 In Portugal, as in many developed countries, Surface Engineering (SE) was almost always treated as an additional area that served, either scientifically, technologically or industrially, to “help” improve the performance of a material or specific component. Moreover, in very few cases, the non-industrial entities of SI&I system, or the industrial companies, thought in SE as a way to develop and manufacture products in the form of thin films. In either situation, the performance of companies and non-industrial entities of SI&I system, was almost always made of an uncoordinated manner, without taking advantage of the increasing expertise and knowledge that were available. However, this disjointed approach is far from efficient and bringing economic value to the country.

SE began to be the obvious solution for materials applied to components that required increasing functionality. This situation often required antagonistic properties that could not be satisfied with one material. Modifying the surface of these materials could locally confer valence to the final product that did not interfere with the behaviour of the base material, contributing to significantly increase overall component performance.


Main Objective:
To strengthen research, technological development and innovation.

The On-SURF intends to associate companies and institutions of RTD system to collaborate in a specific area/sector, contributing to its development and increasing its competitiveness in national and international markets. This Mobilizer differentiates itself with the creation of sustained knowledge, which is transversal to several economic sectors and competitiveness clusters, of vital importance for the country.

The surface engineering and advanced technical coatings can be considered as the link between various sectors: Automotive, Aeronautics, Tools & Moulds, Health and Electronics capable of extending the life of components and tools used by these sectors or providing products/tools non-existent properties in materials that are not surface treated, promoting increased performance/efficiency for specific applications.

Thus, is too obvious that industries in the above mentioned sectors need a strong investment in surface/coating engineering to improve their tools and/or products to compete in a global market, that is becoming increasingly innovative and focused on efficient innovation strategies and industry 4.0.

Objectives, Activities and Results expected / achieved

 In update

Project Reference



Intervention Region

North (26,84%), Center (58,86%) and Lisbon (14,30%) of Portugal

Total Investment


IPN Investment


Total Eligible


IPN Eligible


EC Funding – Total

FEDER - 3.721.804,89

EC Funding – IPN

FEDER- 227.866,44


45 Months

Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



TEANDM - Tecnologia, Engenharia e Materiais S.A.
P.M.M. - Projectos, Moldes, Manufactura Lda
PRIREV - Equipamentos e Revestimentos Técnicos Lda
MOLDIT - Indústria de Moldes S.A.
DIRIT - Metalurgia Portuguesa do Tungstenio Lda
Metalurgica Lurga Lda
Inovatools Portugal, Lda
DISTRIM 2 - Indústria, Investigação e Desenvolvimento Lda
TJ Moldes S.A.
LEICA - Aparelhos Opticos de Precisão S.A.
Volkswagen Autoeuropa, Lda
Belo Inox S.A.
Instituto Pedro Nunes
Universidade de Coimbra
Universidade do Minho
Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Universidade de Aveiro
Instituto Politecnico de Bragança
Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto
CENTIMFE - Centro Tecnológico da Indústria de Moldes, Ferramentas Especiais e Plásticos




Surface Engineering;
Self-lubricating Coatings;
Thin Coatings;
Sensory Coatings;
Decorative Coatings;
REACH Challenges.