IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Unlocking the potential of demand policies and increasing the use of the CPI (Public Procurement of Innovation) instrument by the Public Administrations to improve their services in the field of active aging and the promotion of personal autonomy.


Unlocking the potential of demand policies and increasing the use of the CPI instrument by the Public Administrations to improve their services in the field of active aging and the promotion of personal autonomy.


PROCURA will create a Community of Regions PROCURA sustainable and open, will develop a training and specialized knowledge transfer program, open to the agents involved in CPI and will implement a transnational procedure in CPI.

Objectives, Activities and Results expected / achieved

PROCURA hopes to achieve, three goals within the framework of active aging and independent living:
• With the aim of promoting the Public Procurement of Innovation instrument in the SUDOE region, the Community of Regions PROCURA and the ShareProCare platform were created to manage the community's Demand and Supply;

• Through training actions, through the realisation of Seminars, Learning Journeys and Case Studies, a Multimedia Tools Kit was produced and made available on the ShareProCare platform;

• A Public Procurement of Innovation was made for the acquisition of two social and health solutions for active ageing and independent living: intelligent walker (ANDIN) and toilet with technical aid (INOTEC).

The achieved objectives of the PROCURA project include the dissemination of the communication actions through the means proposed in the communication plan at a general level. At a particular level, taking advantage of the participation of the regional innovation ecosystems involved in the project, lines of collaboration have been initiated with the University and administrative centers that disseminate the culture of innovation, such as the Institute for Business Competitiveness of the Junta de Castilla y León.

Completion of the CPI pilot contract at transnational level and start of co-production, maintenance and sustainability actions. Until the data, all training actions were carried out with the exception of the last Learning Journey and Case Study, which should have been carried out in person in Portugal at the end of 2020, but which was decided to postpone until 2021 due to the current health situation, identifying training actions and additional virtual spaces to continue the training of project actors. It was decided to wait until the second quarter of 2021 to carry out the two other training actions in order to increase the possibilities of carrying them out in person.

During this period, all phases of the contract were executed and the intermediate prototypes were delivered in the three countries, and a protocol for sending the final prototypes to each of the Living Labs was established.

Project Reference



Intervention Region

Spain, France and Portugal

Total Investment


IPN Investment


Total Eligible


IPN Eligible


EC Funding – Total


EC Funding – IPN


National public financial support – Total



42 Months

Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



Gerencia de Servicios Sociales de la Junta de Castilla y León
Fundación INTRAS
Agència de Qualitat i Avaluació Sanitàries de Catalunya
ESEA Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Instituto Pedro Nunes 
Centros Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra


Cluster Soluciones Innovadoras para la Vida Independiente
Fundación Acción Social y Tutela de Castilla y León 
Unió Catalana d'Hospitals
I MAS D Y Empleo Serviconsulting S.L.
Associació Clúster de Tecnologies de la Salut 
Universidad de Valladolid
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro 


http://www.procura-project.com/home https://www.shareprocare.eu/


Public Procurement of Innovation (PPI);
Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP);
Social and Health Integrated Care Services;
Active Aging and Personal Autonomy.