The increase in average life expectancy paves the way for initiatives that will lead to a better quality of life for the elderly population, creating an inclusive, participatory, active and healthy society. The Co-Living project aims to define the role of information and communication technology (ICT) in improving seniors' quality of life, reducing potential situations of isolation and loneliness and improving family and community relationships.
The Co-Living project developed a platform based on information and communication technologies (ICT) intended to stimulate and extend the well-being of elderly people through social interaction within a virtual collaborative social community. This platform integrates a number of features that promote interaction between the elderly and their community, i.e. their family, friends and formal caregivers. The most relevant features of this virtual community include publication of and subscription to activities (e.g. recreational, social and monitoring); clarification of issues related to everyday life and automatic monitoring of the elderly while on their way to an activity via an indoor location system based on Wi-Fi technology and mobile devices. In this project two pilots were performed in different types of environment in the Netherlands and Norway.