IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes marks presence at EIT Health Summit

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes marks presence at EIT Health Summit
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) was present at EIT Health Summit 2024, a crucial event during which the EIT Health consortium, of which IPN is a member, promotes discussions on health and strategies to foment significant change in the sector, on April 18 and 19 of 2024, in the Netherlands.

Jorge Pimenta, IPN’s Director of Innovation, António Cunha, Director of the Automatics and Systems Lab (LAS), Ana Maria Alves, Innovation Manager, and Luiza Almeida, Business Developer, took the opportunity to establish new strategic partnerships, essential for advancing technological development activities and supporting to entrepreneurship.

Instituto Pedro Nunes is part of the EIT Health consortium, which gathers more than 150 Research and Technological Development entities, universities and companies in the health sector across Europe.

IPN’s participation in the EIT Health Summit reinforces its commitment in promoting open discussion and the development of innovative solutions in the health sector in Portugal and Europe.


11 de Julho de 2024
