IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - TrainR4U Clinical Abdominal Ultrasound Course is back

IPN     IPN Incubadora
TrainR4U Clinical Abdominal Ultrasound Course is back
RTD Laboratories
The next editions in Portugal of the Clinical Abdominal Ultrasound Training Course will begin in May, promoted by the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra and by NOVA Medical School in Lisbon. This training course of the University of Coimbra, aims to enable current and future health professionals, as well as students of medicine and other courses within the imaging area to acquire or improve their skills in this imaging technique. Applications are open until 20 Marchhttps://apps.uc.pt/courses/PT/course/10281.

The course is aimed at doctors from various clinical specialties, health professionals who use ultrasound in their professional practice, students of medicine and other courses within the area of imaging with an interest in acquiring knowledge, skills and experience in the use of the echograph and probes; in the identification of pathologies, through echographic images; and in the practice of obtaining echographic images in the abdominal region, incorporating the knowledge into clinical practice.

The training course has a total duration of 40 hours (1.5 ECTS), divided into 30 hours of asynchronous online modules and 10 hours of face-to-face practical sessions taught by specialist teachers from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra and from NOVA Medical School. The editions will take place on the following dates:

Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra:
Asynchronous online modules: from May 3rd to 31st
Practical sessions: from June 1st to June 5th

NOVA Medical School:
Asynchronous online modules: from 29 May to 23 June
Practical sessions: 26 to 28 June

The practical sessions are organised in groups distributed over 2 sessions of 5 hours each. They include demonstrations of abdominal ultrasound, using the robotic tele-echography tool and practical exercises of ultrasound image collection with probe and echograph. At the end of the training course, approved students may apply for a certificate issued by the University of Coimbra.

The official language of the course is English. The course has a cost of 200€ for placed participants.

Learn how to submit an application here.

The TrainR4U project is led by the Instituto Pedro Nunes (Portugal), through the Laboratory of Automatics and Systems. In addition to the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the consortium also includes the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre, NOVA Medical School (Portugal), Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu (Spain), Trinity College Dublin (Ireland), Sorbonne Université (France), Academisch Ziekenhuis Groningen (Netherlands), Tecnalia Research & Innovation (Spain), Assistance Publique Hôpitaux de Paris (France) and Sensing Future Technologies (Portugal).


22 of February of 2023
