IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes plays a central role in the EIT Health Network in Portugal

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes plays a central role in the EIT Health Network in Portugal
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) has been strengthening its position on the international scene as part of the EIT Health network, which brings together more than 130 European research and development organisations, universities and companies in the field of health. The EIT Health Network aims to build an ecosystem that enables the development of healthcare for the future, so that European citizens can live longer and healthier lives.

The MedTech Bootcamp 2023 will be held this September. It's a six-week online programme aimed at early-stage medtech and digital health start-ups to help them turn their concept into a valid proof of concept and enter the European market. IPN is one of the partners in this Bootcamp led by FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, one of Germany's largest research universities, and is responsible for running the Business module.

It should be noted that the IPN was recently recognised as a leader in healthcare innovation in the InnoStars Assessment of Healthcare Innovation Ecosystem Maturity report by EIT Health. The report assesses the maturity of ten healthcare innovation ecosystems in Central, Eastern and Southern European countries, including Portugal, and recognises the importance of IPN's role in supporting early-stage healthcare startups through mentoring programmes, funding and access to infrastructure; in research and innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence, personalised medicine and digital health; and in creating a culture of entrepreneurship in healthcare through mentoring and acceleration programmes, as well as the ongoing organisation of events and conferences that help connect startups, investors and partners.

This international recognition is the result of a concerted effort by IPN's different departments, namely the Department of Knowledge Valorisation and Innovation, which promotes acceleration and mentoring programmes, and the Laboratory for Automatics and Systems (LAS), which has extensive experience in health technologies, medical devices and in vitro diagnostics, as well as regulatory support.

Since 2022, the IPN has hosted the EIT Health InnoStars headquarters in Portugal, making it the centre of activities that drive innovation in the health sector in the country.

The collaboration between the IPN and the University of Coimbra has also been fundamental in this area, contributing to the ongoing development of innovative medical solutions.


12 de Setembro de 2023
