To develop integrated strategies for the treatment of seeds, substrates, and irrigation water that may lead to the elimination of Pine Pitch canker, aiming at their implementation by forest production materials suppliers.
With this project, we intend our national Forest production materials suppliers to implement large scale sustainable strategies in order to minimize the risk of spreading the Pine Pitch canker disease while avoiding affecting the seeds germination ability and the quality of the plants.
These strategies will consist of seeds, substrates,irrigation water treatment and also the disinfection of containers, and also the use of alternative pine bark free substrates.
Expected Goals:
This project aims to develop new prophylactic strategies that are able to prevent the dissemination and propagation of the quarantine fungus Fusarium circinatum in nurseries, through the implementation of new disinfection methods for containers, seeds and irrigation water, and through the development of new substrates from materials that do not host the fungus.
With this project it was possible to develop in the laboratory and transpose to the real context several efficient and easy to apply methodologies that focused on the disinfection of seeds, containers and irrigation water, minimizing the risk of infection and dissemination of the fungus Fusarium circinatum. New alternative substrates to pine bark have also been successfully developed, thus also minimizing the risk of the fungus spreading.
A relevant result of the project was the creation of the Technical Manual for Suppliers of Forest Reproductive Material, which is available for consultation and download here.