IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes takes part in interregional cooperation event under the HealthChain project

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes takes part in interregional cooperation event under the HealthChain project
RTD Laboratories
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) attended a meeting in Brussels organised by the HealthChain project on 8 October 2024, which brought together the various stakeholders from the regional ecosystems involved. The purpose of the event was to foster interregional cooperation and extend the project's impact by integrating five mirror regions, which will replicate the collaborative innovation model established by the founding regions.

HealthChain is a project focused on the development of innovative digital health solutions resulting from collaboration between health organisations and technology companies. These solutions are co-created to respond to real healthcare challenges, with the aim of improving the quality of patient care across Europe. By sharing best practices and working together, the participating regions aim to increase regional competitiveness and promote innovation in the healthcare sector.

During the meeting, the Founding Regions (Murcia, Centre of Portugal, Western Slovenia, Primorje-Gorski Kotar and Eastern Netherlands) welcomed the Mirror Regions (Navarre, Western Greece, Castilla y León, Flanders and North-West Romania) which are now committed to replicating and expanding the established model. The meeting included an interactive workshop during which experiences and good practices in implementing the HealthChain model were shared. The discussion focused on the process of identifying unmet innovation needs, launching open calls for companies capable of responding to these challenges and co-creating innovative solutions.

Another highlight of the event was a brainstorming session entitled ‘Boosting entrepreneurial support: identifying regional resources and needs’, in which participants from the Founding and Mirror Regions mapped the internal resources, initiatives and gaps that exist in their regions. This exercise made it possible to identify synergies and areas for co-operation between regions, promoting an exchange of knowledge and mutual support to strengthen the co-creation process and the growth of the solutions developed within the HealthChain framework.

IPN's participation in this event reaffirms its role as a promoter of innovation and collaboration at international level, actively contributing to the advancement of technological solutions that respond to needs in the health sector.


22 of October of 2024
