IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes co-organises Conference on Plant Microbiomes in Porto

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes co-organises Conference on Plant Microbiomes in Porto
RTD Laboratories
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) co-organised the 1st Annual Conference on Plant Microbiomes, held under the COST Action MiCropBiomes. The event took place on 11 and 12 September 2024 at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto, bringing together 78 participants from 24 countries.

This conference provided a space for exchanging knowledge and sharing experiences on the complex relationship between plants and microorganisms, with a special focus on the response to biotic and abiotic stress factors. The scientific presentations, as well as the poster sessions, highlighted the advances and challenges in this area of study. IPN researchers were also actively involved in presenting their work, contributing to the technical and scientific discussions that marked the event.

The topics covered during the event centred on five working groups:
  • Molecular interactions between plants and microbiomes: diversity, distribution and eco-evolutionary perspectives.
  • Dynamics of assembling agricultural crop microbiomes in specific environments.
  • Agricultural crop microbiomes and plant diseases: from dysbiosis to increased defences.
  • From current microbial inoculants to synthetic communities.
  • Communication and involvement with society.

There were also meetings of the working groups which were key to defining the next stages of the MiCropBiomes project, including the creation of databases and the definition of key indicators.

The conference book of abstracts is available online for consultation: https://micropbiomes.eu/events/annual-conferences/annual-conference-2024/1st-annual-conference.

With this initiative, theIPN is reinforcing its commitment to promoting innovation in agriculture. By co-organising this event, the institute has contributed to the advancement of knowledge in this area.


About MiCropBiomes
The COST Action MiCropBiomes is a European research network that aims to explore the potential of plant microbiomes to improve agriculture and food production. The project brings together scientists from different fields, such as microbiology, genetics, ecology and agronomy, to develop new tools and strategies to manipulate plant microbiomes for the benefit of sustainable agriculture.


14 of October of 2024
