IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN promotes the debate on the interface of health systems in Portugal

IPN     IPN Incubadora
IPN promotes the debate on the interface of health systems in Portugal
RTD Laboratories
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) hosted the XI Meetup Digital Health Portugal: Transforming the Interface in Healthcare, an event aimed at improving interactions between citizens and health systems in Portugal, on 26th of September of 2024.

The opening session counted on the presence of Sofia Roque, the coordinator of the initiative, together with João Gabriel Silva, President of IPN’s Board, António Lindo Cunha, Director of IPN’s Automatics and Systems Lab, Paulo Nunes de Abreu of Digital Health Portugal’s Board, Miguel Fonseca, Councillor of Coimbra Municipality and Diogo Saudade Vieira from Coimbra’s Local Health Unit (ULS Coimbra).

Then, João Oliveira, Coordinator of SNS24, addressed the importance of the digital transformation in the health sector in order to improve the access and quality of healthcare, during the opening lecture.

During the morning, there was also a presentation of the startups Careceiver, Peercare, eBreethie and Exercogs that are developing innovative solutions for healthcare. The presentation ended with a testimony of Sónia Rodrigues from W4M Digital Solutions.

During the discussion panel “Digital Interfaces: Facilitating Communication between Citizens and Health Systems” the various digital platforms used in interactions between citizens and healthcare systems in Portugal were discussed. This session counted with the participation of Hélder Silva from Glintt Life Hospitals, Rui Gomes from ULS Coimbra, Rui Teixeira from Glintt Life, Tâmar Hussong Milagre from EVITA, Palmira Martins from RD-Portugal and Flávio Reis from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra.

There was also a presentation session for solutions that aim to facilitate the access to services and healthcare, namely, FaceRehab, a device for telerehabilitation for patients with facial paralysis, and ROSE, a robotic system for carrying out tele-ultrasounds in real time and training sessions for health professionals, both developed by IPN.

The panel discussion “Telehealth and Interoperability: Tools and Practices for Efficient Care” which counted with the participation of Rafael Almeida from the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health (SPMS), Paulo Bernardo from W4M Digital Solutions, José Paulo Carvalho from Hopecare and Inês Santos Silva from Tejo Med,was the stage for a debate on the various strategies to be implemented in the telehealth care systems to ensure effective and rapid patient care.

The event ended with the round table “Data Security and Privacy in Interaction with Health Systems”, moderated by Paulo Nunes de Abreu, during which the importance of data security and privacy in interaction with digital healthcare systems was emphasised. Joana Basto from Associação Abraço, Henrique Neves, Jurist from IPN, Artur Salomão from DECSIS, Sérgio Figueiredo, Project Manager from IPN, Filipe de Oliveira Casqueiro from SRS Legal and Bruno Valério from DPO Germano de Sousa were present in the session.

IPN’s participation in the XI Meetup Digital HEalth Portugal reinforces the commitment in contributing towards innovation in the health sector, namely in the operation of various healthcare systems, both digital and in-person, and their interaction with citizens.


8 of October of 2024
