IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - In Milan, IPN boosts Open Innovation programme in health

IPN     IPN Incubadora
In Milan, IPN boosts Open Innovation programme in health
Technology transfer and I.P.
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) took part in the first edition of the EIT Health InnoStars Connect bootcamp, which took place in Milan, Italy. The programme, which aims to accelerate the growth of health startups, brought together the main companies in the sector.

For two days, the ten selected startups participated in workshops and practical activities designed by IPN. The workshops were given by experts such as Meike Bomhof who addressed market access and reimbursement strategies, Armando Fossi who explored the latest trends in innovation, Sandra Balseiro (IPN) who delved into regulatory aspects and José Ricardo Aguilar (IPN) who presented best practices in intellectual property.

In this first edition, InnoStars Connect had two industrial partners who challenged the startups to co-develop solutions to specific challenges: Synlab Italia and Chiesi Farmaceutici. The bootcamp agenda also included a visit to the headquarters of both partners, where the startups had the opportunity to experience a day in the industrial, laboratory and development environment.

This open innovation programme will continue into the co-development phase which will culminate in a second cycle, followed by a public presentation to interested stakeholders as part of the InnoStars Grand Final event in Budapest.

IPN is a founding partner of EIT Health, Europe's largest health innovation consortium.


23 of September of 2024
