IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Biomedical and Informatics Engineering students explore R&D Labs during visit to IPN

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Biomedical and Informatics Engineering students explore R&D Labs during visit to IPN
Clique aqui para a versão em português.

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) received a visit from a group of students of Biomedical and Informatics Engineering, on July 10th of 2024.

The visit began with the presentation of IPN by Marta Salgado Matos, Communication and Marketing Manager, which showcased the institute’s work in terms of incubating and accelerating startups and some projects developed by the Research and Development (R&D) Labs.

Then, Romeu Neves, Business Developer of IPN’s Informatics and Systems Lab showcased the various activities and projects developed by the lab in the areas of Artificial Intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, software, hardware and telecommunications.

Margarida Realinho, Researcher at IPN’s Automatics and Systems lab, presented FaceRehab, a solution for helping patients with facial paralysis in need of cognitive and physical stimulation, and COGNIVITRA, an innovative solution based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to support cognitive vitality training at home.

Meanwhile, Gabriela Simões, Researcher at LAS, presented ROSE, a system based on robotics which allows ultrasounds to be carried out remotely, by using two ergonomic stations, one next to the patient, the other on next to the healthcare professional.

Organised by Joana Mingacho, Innovation Manager at IPN, the visit had as main objective to introduce the institute and present the programmes and projects developed by ESA Space Solutions Portugal, specifically the Coimbra Space Summer School (CSSS).
CSSS is a school aimed at students of Higher Education, entrepreneurs and everyone interested in exploring space economy or seeking to develop a business idea based on space technology for terrestrial applications.


12 of July of 2024
