IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes celebrates EBN's 40th anniversary and reinforces its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship

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Instituto Pedro Nunes celebrates EBN's 40th anniversary and reinforces its commitment to innovation and entrepreneurship
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) was present at the ceremony celebrating the 40th anniversary of the EBN - European Business & Innovation Centre Network.

The event centred on the question “Why is the European Union falling behind in terms of innovation and how can the innovation capacity be accelerated?”.

During the ceremony, a new tool was presented, the EU|BIC Innovation Ecosystem Building Framework, which aims to support BIC’s in developing and strengthening their innovation ecosystems.

Jorge Pimenta, IPN’s Director of Innovation, presented two examples that fit into the framework, namely, Ineo Start and Coimbra Space Training Camp.

Ineo Start is an acceleration programme for business ideas or tech based projects, which aims to support the structuring of businesses, the expansion of contact networks and the identification of funding opportunities.

Coimbra Space Training Camp is an intensive training course, organised by IPN and ESA Space Solutions Portugal, to prepare professionals for careers in the space sector.

An active member of EBN since 2010, IPN is part of a network made up of more than 106 innovation centres and incubators certified as BIC’s (Business Innovation Centres). Together, these centres play a crucial role in supporting the development and growth of innovative projects, startups and SMEs across Europe.

IPN’s participation in the EBN’s 40th anniversary ceremony reinforces its ongoing commitment to promoting innovation and entrepreneurship in Portugal and Europe.


19 of June of 2024
