IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN hosts a series of webinars to help startups enter external markets

IPN     IPN Incubadora
IPN hosts a series of webinars to help startups enter external markets
Clique aqui para a versão em português.

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) will host a series of webinars dedicated to various external markets, as part of Pro-Global - Acceleration Programme for Internationalization, funded by the Portuguese Recovery and Resilience Plan (PRR).

The webinars aim to demonstrate how to conduct business in various markets, as well as present the initiatives, projects and incentives in these markets aimed at startups.

This series of webinars is aimed at startups who are navigating the internationalization process and seeking insights on the functioning of each external market, from internationalization experts.

Consult the timetable and sign up for each one individually:
  • GERMANY - June 12th of 2024, at 9h30 | https://streamyard.com/watch/WyiYQGuSxyef
  • BRAZIL - June 18th of 2024, at 15h | https://streamyard.com/watch/zFdZVsbeSG8c
  • FRANCE - June 19th of 2024, at 10h | https://streamyard.com/watch/g8dFjW9SVPH9
  • SPAIN - June 20th of 2024, at 9h30 | https://streamyard.com/watch/xrRZ4GJU9BUu
  • UNITED STATES OF AMERICA - June 20th of 2024, at 16h | https://streamyard.com/watch/KBnv9wMEDvS8
  • UNITED ARAB EMIRATES - June 25th of 2024, at 9h30 | https://streamyard.com/watch/6ZcSuQivgFb9
  • JAPAN - June 26th of 2024, at 9h | https://streamyard.com/watch/XA9qTPbcgfhg
  • SWEDEN - Date to be determined

The sessions will be conducted by the Local Representative of the Portuguese Investment and External Commerce Agency (AICEP) in each one of the countries and one local partner of IPN.

For more informations contact aceleradora@ipn.pt


from 12 to 26 of Junho of 2024


