IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN organizes event on opportunities for startups and SMEs

IPN     IPN Incubadora
IPN organizes event on opportunities for startups and SMEs
RTD Laboratories
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), in partnership with Health Cluster Portugal and Ubiwhere, will organize the session "The Challenges of the Digital Transition - Services for Startups and SMEs", a presentation of opportunities and services aimed at startups and SMEs in the areas of Health, Smart Cities, Mobility, Telecommunications, Industry and the Blue Economy.

The event will take place on June 11th 2024, starting at 10am, in the Auditorium of Building D at IPN. Registration is open until June 10th, here.

The main objective of this session is to highlight the opportunities provided by the TEF-Health (Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics), Digital Nervous System Testbed (DNS Tested) and DigiHealthPt initiatives for startups and SMEs interested.

The event will also be attended by representatives from the IT and Technology Department of the Coimbra University Hospital Center, São João Hospital Center in Porto and Ubiwhere.

During the event, participants will have access to various activities and opportunities:
  1. Pitch to Industry Representatives: Five startups will be selected to present their projects to representatives of Portuguese hospitals, such as the Coimbra University Hospital Center and the São João Hospital in Porto and technology specialists from Ubiwhere.
  2. Round Table with Experts: The event will feature leading clinical, regulatory (MRD, IVDR, FDA) and technology experts addressing topics such as computing continuum, 5G, IoT-edge-to-cloud and zero-touch automation.
  3. Meetings with the Representatives: The startups will get to establish direct contact with the program’s representatives and identify the services and testing spaces more adequate to their solution.
This event is aimed at:
  • Startups and SMEs looking to develop and test innovative ideas with a strong digital component.
  • Companies interested in exploring the latest trends in digital transition and health.
  • Professionals wishing to establish connections with other players in the sector.
More information about the projects:

TEF-Health (Testing and Experimentation Facility for Health AI and Robotics) is an initiative of the European Commission with the objective of facilitating and accelerating the certification and testing of medical devices based on Artificial Intelligence and Robotics, uniting a network of infrastructures focused on testing and experimenting in 9 European countries.

TEF-Health presents and extensive list of benefits and serviços towards Startups and SME, including:
  • Matchmaking with TEF-Health service providers
  • Service budgeting of portuguese TEF-Health providers
  • Physical and digital access to large-scale resources
  • Access to Hospitals, LivingLabs, RTOs and Innovation ecossytems
  • Product/pilot evaluation report after service implementation
  • Final product/piloto with a Technology Readiness Level (TRL) between 5 and 9
The Digital Nervous System Testbed (DNS Tested) is a campus for startups and SMEs to develop and test innovative ideas. Created by Ubiwhere, a company ex- incubated by IPN, the DNS Testbed aims to facilitate the digital transition and innovation in a revolutionary way.

Ubiwhere is a software and R&D company for the Smart Cities, Telecommunications and Future Internet sectors, founded in 2007 and with offices in Aveiro and Coimbra. The company cooperates with leading technology companies that value partnership and recognise Ubiwhere's large-scale contribution to their creative and innovative projects.

The company offers digital innovative products, covering sectors as Tourism, Urban Life, Sustainability, Well-Being, among others.
  • “Tourism 360º” consisting of a catalog of solutions to enrich tourists’ experiences.
  • “Smart Parking”, a platform that simplifies parking, providing users with information on which parking spaces are available.
DigiHealthPt is a digital initiative aimed at supporting digital transformation and innovation in the health field, as well as the creation of AI based solutions to respond to emerging needs of startups and SME. Offering a variety of personalized services, DigiHealthPT supports the beneficiaries in 4 areas:
  • Access to testing and experimenting infrastructures
  • Qualification and knowledge
  • Support in finding financing
  • Networking


11 of June of 2024


Auditorium of Building D, Instituto Pedro Nunes
