IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes announces opportunity for SMEs in the Digital Health sector

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes announces opportunity for SMEs in the Digital Health sector
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), as part of the HealthChain project, is looking for ten small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to take part in innovative pilot projects in the area of digital health. Benefits include commercial support, access to funding and the opportunity to network with other European SMEs.

HealthChain, a European project funded by the I3 Instrument, is based on an innovative approach, bringing together the public and private sectors in regional ecosystems. Collaboration between ecosystem members, healthcare organizations and IT companies aims to develop digital health solutions. This initiative aims to improve the quality of healthcare services for citizens and boost the competitiveness of SMEs in this sector.

The expression of interest is open until 16th of February 2024 at 17:00 Central European Time (CET) and can be made on the HealthChain website (https://healthchain-i3.eu/leading-sme/) by filling in the proposal template and the budget breakdown table. The selection will be based on excellence, alignment with the challenge, exploitation commitment, and implementation & value for money.

Interested parties can attend the information webinar on January 18th, 2024, from 11:30 to 12:30 Central European Time (CET), to find out more about the process. Register here: https://eu01web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_iPcAsbhlT0KyMVOv4vKGyg

Benefits of becoming a SME:
- Co-create and pilot an innovative solution for a healthcare challenge.
- Receive business support from the ecosystem and other IT companies within the consortium.
- Access funding of up to 81,320 euros (70 per cent reimbursed by the European Commission).
- Network with other European SMEs and explore opportunities for future projects.

How to express interest:
- Read the Expression of Interest guidelines here.
- Download the proposal template and budget breakdown table here.
- Fill in the proposal template and save it in the PDF format once completed. Also, complete the budget breakdown table.
- Once you have both documents completed, access the EU Survey online form, complete the requested fields, upload both documents (budget breakdown and proposal in the PDF) and submit your proposal.

For detailed information on the expression of interest, eligibility and application, visit the HealthChain website: https://healthchain-i3.eu/leading-sme/

IPN, as an Ecosystem Supporter, plays a crucial role in connecting the Coimbra Hospital and University Centre (CHUC) with the business community.


15 of January of 2024
