IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Horizon Europe Training - International Cooperation Opportunities for Non-EU Countries

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Horizon Europe Training - International Cooperation Opportunities for Non-EU Countries
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Instituto Pedro Nunes is promoting a specialized training program on "Horizon Europe - International Cooperation Opportunities for Non-EU Countries: Application Preparation & Budgeting Principles." The training aims to equip participants with the necessary skills to seek, manage, and develop proposals under the Horizon Europe Program, with a particular focus on international cooperation with non-EU countries and WIDERA - Widening participation and strengthening the European Research Area.

This training runs from September 11 to September 13, 2023. Registration until September 5 through the form.

The training is designed for the R&D community, including researchers and research managers, private companies, and public bodies that have the potential to apply to the WIDERA program. All sessions will be conducted in English, and due to the interactive nature of the training, participation is limited to 12 individuals.

More details and information formacao@ipn.pt

Please refer to the attached PDF for the full Training Programme.

The training sessions will be conducted by Nuno Cunha, Founder and CEO at AAVANZ (Innovation and funding Consulting). With a background in Software Engineering and Computer Science, he is an experienced professional in technology development projects, R&D innovation, and funding mechanisms. His expertise extends to strategic analysis, finance planning, and fostering cooperation initiatives across Europe, Africa, USA, and South America.

IPN is a certified Entity by DGERT (Certificate 2376-2016). At the end of the action participants will be entitled to a Professional Training Certificate.


1 of August of 2023

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