IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - IPN will help boost digital entrepreneurship in rural areas of Europe

IPN     IPN Incubadora
IPN will help boost digital entrepreneurship in rural areas of Europe
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Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), through the Habitat for Business Innovation in Strategic Sectors (HIESE), will help to boost digital entrepreneurship in rural areas of Europe, through the Rural Creative Labs project. This project, led by IPN, aims to improve the exchange of good practices and methodologies for digital learning between three European Union countries: Portugal, Spain and Italy.

Among the specific objectives of the project, the promotion of the exchange of good practices and methodologies of digital learning between the three partner countries stands out. In addition, quality transnational training and networking opportunities will be developed to empower young adults and adult educators living in rural areas. Another important point is to increase the soft skills, entrepreneurship and digital competencies of rural young adults and educator population, both locally and globally. Finally, the project aims to contribute to the sense of belonging as European citizens through the creation of a European network.

On 24 and 25 May, the project consortium met at HIESE, in Penela. During the meeting, the project partners had the opportunity to get to know the tools that will be used, besides clarifying the responsibilities and establishing a schedule. They also discussed the guidelines for the transnational training focused on adult educators, which is scheduled to take place in September, in Spain.

Rural Creative Labs is an Erasmus+ project led by Instituto Pedro Nunes, in partnership with FARE Cooperativa Sociale and FAB León.


14 of June of 2023
