Health 4.0 and Continuity of Care are the main application areas of our laboratory. Among the broad portfolio of projects, special emphasis is placed on innovative technological approaches to new products and services for this market that have been done through technology push and market pull.
In this area, LAS highlights its focus in the fields of Telemedicine, Hospital@Home and Home Care. The key activities and role of LAS in these fields are:
- Development of proof of concept and MVP (minimum viable product), including systems design, Architecture and application development
- Early-stage health technology assessment, validating the high-value care of innovation and
- Regulatory pathway for medical devices
As a result of LAS's applied research and technological development activities and responding to market challenges (market push), Industry 4.0 represents one of our areas of application.
We offer know-how through RTD services in our CETs of domain as well as facilities and hardware platforms that support companies to accelerate development processes such as fast prototyping, validation and MVP (minimum viable product) testing.
Hardware Platforms available:
- Ground to the Cloud - IoT Platform
- Artificial/Computer vision Platform
- Embedded Artificial Intelligence acceleration platform
- Robotics Platform
Details about our platforms can be visited in the Facilities - Equipment page.