IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Concepts for Better Care


The growth in internet-based and micro-technologies has changed the way we live, work, play and talk to each other. But elderly people receiving care have not always benefited from some of these developments as much as they could.
IntegrAAL is a study aiming to develop and assess new technologies to help improve quality of life for elderly people receiving care.


IntegrAAL is about understanding some of the challenges faced by older people, designing new ways of using technology to address those challenges, and exploring what a difference these new discoveries can make to peoples lives.
There are two main stages for IntegrAAL. In the first stage, researchers are working to understand some of the challenges faced by older people and their careers in their day-to-day lives. In the second, new applications of technology will be tested across the three research sites, with enrolment into the trial stage beginning in late 2015.
The IntegrAAL project is co-ordinated by the EU Active Assisted Living Programme (AAL), founded with the aim of enhancing the quality of life for older people through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), and jointly funded by Innovate UK, Innoviris in Belgium, and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia in Portugal.

Project Reference


AAL Programme
AAL Programme



Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



Nourish; Instituto Pedro Nunes; Dorset Country Council; ADFP - Assistência; Desenvolvimento e Formação Profissional; Huis voor Gezondheid; AlertiSugere; Odisee.




AAL, Active Assisted Living, Technology