IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Company Description Incubation model
SF3000 Artificial Intelligence for Diabetic Foot Health and Prevention. Start
Sleeklab Drone factory and specialised image collection by drone / RPAS -Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems Follow-up
Smart Dispenser Automatic gas bottle dispenser Start
SpaceWay Inspire young minds to pursue space-related careers. Prepare students and professionals to become leaders of the New Space Start
SWS Software Posture analysis and optimization algorithm Start
Talent Lab Center of innovation and knowledge for the research and development of skills and solutions in human resources, focused on high technology industries including Aeronautics, Space and Defense, Maritime and Ports, and Energy Follow-up
TimeUp Development of a technology whose objective is to reduce urinary tract infections, which represent a third of infections that occur in hospitals and long-term care units, thus reducing the use of antibiotics Start
Toxfinder Design, development and implementation of toxicological tests without requiring the use of animals Start
Triber Agency Let the world love your brand as much as you do. Independent digital brand strategy agency Start
TUU Management platform for real estate investment projects, design, remodeling or construction, coordinating investors, designers, contractors and suppliers Follow-up
TWEVO Signal processing and firmware development for data links in Unmanned Vehicles Start
weScribe Platform for intermediation of transcription services between professionals and clients Start
wine.pt Design, development and management of online stores for the Wine Industry Start
Wrightia Specialized IT services focusing on Integration, Performance and Development Start
Xarp Reality Labs We build unique immersive experiences, grounded in the latest research, to create new ways for people to interact in physical spaces. Start
Ydigital Media Mobile Marketing and Mobile Advertising. Start