IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Instituto Pedro Nunes hosts Portuguese Army Innovation Day

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Instituto Pedro Nunes hosts Portuguese Army Innovation Day
Clique aqui para a versão em português. 

On February 4, Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) will host the ‘Army Innovation Day’ in the auditorium of Building D, organised in partnership with the Portuguese Army and dedicated to the presentation of the Army Modernisation Programme.

Open to all companies from IPN and the Centre region, this event aims to foster the exchange of knowledge between the Army, companies and innovation institutions. Registration is free here.

The event's agenda includes thematic panels on Autonomous Remote Systems, Geospatial Solutions and Energy Efficiency, Water, Sustainability and Environmental Protection.

13.45: Reception of participants
14:00: Opening Speeches - President of the IPN and Chief of Staff of the Army [To be confirmed]
14:15: Panel 1 - Innovation and Technological Modernisation in the Army - Colonel António Oliveira and Colonel Pedro Cruz, both from the Army General Staff (EME)
14:15: The Pedro Nunes Institute and the main work in progress - João Gabriel Silva, President of the IPN
15:00: Panel 2 - Autonomous Remote Systems - Solutions for application in the Army's
Army - Major Aires Carqueijo from the Army General Staff and Captain Artur Varanda from the Army Experimentation Centre - CEMTEX
COMPANIES - Flowbotic | Atlos | Twevo
16:00: Coffee break
16:15: Panel 3 - Geospatial Solutions for Defence - Innovation and Precision to
Transform the Future - Major João Ferreira from the Army Geospatial Information Centre, CIGeOE
COMPANIES - Spotlite | Neuraspace | Connected
17:00: Panel 4 - Energy and Water Efficiency, Sustainability and Environmental Protection in the Intervention Brigade - Major Rita Marques from the Intervention Brigade
Critical Software - From IPN to collaboration with the Army - Reference example - Critical Software representative (To be confirmed)
17:30: Closing - Speech by the President of idD Portugal Defence - Ricardo Pinheiro Alves


4 of February of 2025


Auditorium Building D, Instituto Pedro Nunes
