IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Space Cluster joins Technology and Health in the Coimbra Invest Summit in October

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Space Cluster joins Technology and Health in the Coimbra Invest Summit in October
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Registration for the 2024 edition of Coimbra Invest Summit (Coimbra IS) is now open. The event, promoted by the Coimbra Municipality (CM), in partnership with Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN), University of Coimbra, the Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra and iParque, takes place for the second time at the Convento de São Francisco, in Coimbra, from 9 to 11 of October. Participation is free.

Marking the 10 years of ESA BIC - Business Incubation Centre of the European Space Agency, coordinated by IPN, one of the new highlights of the second edition is the inclusion of the Space sector, an emerging cluster in the municipality that has drawn a great interest. The afternoon of the second day (10th October) of Coimbra IS will address Space as an emerging cluster in the Central Region and in Portugal, with two panel debates and the presence of the scientist and astronaut Ana Pires as keynote speaker.

The Tech and Health clusters will once again be strongly emphasised, with the morning of the 10th dedicated to the Technology sector and the morning of 11th to the Health sector. Another highlight of the programme is the Coimbra IS - Funding panel (10th October, 11.45am), which brings representatives of investment entities to Coimbra IS, with the aim of providing companies with an opportunity to make contact with the main national and international investors.

To strengthen international ties and to position the territory to attract investment for the municipality, the afternoon of the second day of Coimbra IS is marked by the Diplomatic Summit (10th October, 2.30pm, Sala Sofia), which brings diplomats from various countries to the city. The day before, and after the meeting of the Municipal Strategic Council for the Development of Coimbra (12.30pm, Sala Sofia), the Coimbra Ambassadors Network will be presented in a public session (5.30pm, Foyer of the Grand Auditorium), made up of personalities from different areas with a strong connection to Coimbra.

At the end of the first day of Coimbra IS, the Business Merit Recognition Gala Dinner will take place (9th October, 6.30pm, Room D. Afonso Henriques), at which time the Coimbra Municipality will award the distinction to 167 companies from the municipality of Coimbra.

“The joint work that the Coimbra Municipality has been doing, in close articulation with the partners of this event, is transforming the image that Coimbra conveys to the outside and that is and has been fundamental in attracting more investment, which is so important to Coimbra”, highlights the Mayor of the CM of Coimbra, José Manule Silva. “Coimbra Invest Summit is the clear proof of the new dynamic, the new energy and the new strategy that is already boosting Coimbra”, he added, stating that “the ability to work and produce together gives entrepreneurs and industrialists the confidence to invest in Coimbra”.

“The Coimbra IS is an affirmation of the excellence of Coimbra’s entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, as well as the active role of this municipal executive in attracting new investment to the municipality ”, says the Councillor for Entrepreneurship, Investment and Employment of CM Coimbra, Miguel Fonseca, emphasising that the “2024 edition, as well as highlighting a cluster that is on the rise - space -, we are looking to give Coimbra IS an even more international profile”.

Coimbra IS is one of the country’s biggest events dedicated to companies and investors. The event aims to position Coimbra on investors’ radar and bring together the entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystem in the municipality, offering a networking space for entrepreneurs, investors, companies and national and international institutions.

In 2024, in addition to the various conferences and the presence of around 40 companies and institutions, there will also be moments such as the networking sunset (10th October, 5.30pm, Praça das Bandeiras). In the first edition, in 2023, Coimbra IS welcomed more than a thousand people, 41 companies and institutions, 47 research projects, 40 speakers and 154 companies were recognised.

Coimbra IS has the high patronage of the Presidency of the Republic.

Registration for the event is free for the general public and for companies wishing to attend (subject to validation and limited to capacity).

Programme and all information at coimbra IS’24 (coimbrainvest summit.pt)


de 9 a 11 de Outubro de 2024


Convento de São Francisco, Coimbra
