IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - International Project Led by IPN Promotes Innovation in Rural Areas

IPN     IPN Incubadora
International Project Led by IPN Promotes Innovation in Rural Areas
Clique aqui para a versão em português. 

Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) is leading an international project that brought together mentors in León. Between 18 and 21 September, transnational training took place as part of the Rural Creative Labs project, involving three countries: Portugal, Italy and Spain.

HIESE - Habitat for Business Innovation in Strategic Sectors - an initiative promoted by IPN (Portugal), Fare Coop. Sociale (Italy) and Fundacion TMA (Spain) have come together to leverage the Erasmus+ Rural Creative Labs project.

This project aims to improve the exchange of good practices and digital learning methodologies, as well as empowering young adults and educators living in rural areas through highly qualified training and generating networking opportunities.

During the meetings, the first phase of this project was outlined. During the training days, the partners were able to share good practices and explore the design of educational bootcamps. These aim to stimulate entrepreneurship among young adults living in rural areas, using creative arts and digital tools.

The Rural Creative Labs project thus aims to expand the learning opportunities available to young adults who choose to live in rural areas. It also promotes an increase in the mastery of digital skills and the acquisition of new qualifications, stimulating young entrepreneurship. 


28 de Setembro de 2023
