IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

Smart Platform for Athlete Tracking and Gym Management


In recent years, technology has been playing a fundamental and significant role in optimising processes and improving the user experience in various areas. The fitness and gyms sector is no exception and technology is transforming and remodelling this market. As this area evolves, the market will continue to see more advances that enable users to lead healthier and more active lifestyles and, given the number of competitors in the fitness and gyms sector, differentiation is the key to success. In this quest to become a benchmark, technology plays a crucial role, and offering innovative services and personalised experiences are crucial factors if a player is to stand out from the competition in this area.


The Koachy project proposes several features that will be essential for innovation in the fitness sector: i) recommendation of personalised workouts for athletes, taking into account their goals, history, lifestyle and data collected through wearables, aimed at the fitness professionals who accompany them; ii) prediction of achievement of athletes' goals, which allows them to see when they will reach their targets; iii) a personalised gamification system for each athlete, to encourage them to continue exercising in the gym through the intelligent awarding of points and badges; iv) the ‘Athlete 360’ mobile app, which allows athletes to have a single point of access to innovative features (training, goals, gamification system); v) optimisation of the scheduling of group classes in gyms, taking into account the historical turnout of classes, external factors (e.g. season, weather, etc.), etc. e. time of year, weather, festivities) and athletes' interests, to maximise athlete satisfaction and efficient business management.

Objectives, Activities and Results expected / achieved

Specific expected objectives:
Objective O1: Investigate and implement a recommendation system for personalised training plans using Artificial Intelligence (AI) and geared to the athlete's goals and deadlines.
Objective O2: To implement a dynamic and autonomous gamification solution capable of interacting with and motivating athletes according to their profile, so that they achieve their goals and increase their involvement in the gym community.
Objective O3: Develop a mobile application that offers a holistic view of the athlete's profile and journey and integrates all the platform's functionalities into a single access point, thus creating an ‘Athlete 360’ experience.
Objective O4: Capture and integrate information obtained from physical activity and health monitoring devices for training planning, guaranteeing data confidentiality and user privacy.
Objective O5: To research and implement a system for optimising the scheduling of group classes that maximises adherence and athlete satisfaction, and which from an administrative point of view takes into account the efficient management of the occupation of facilities and the allocation of human resources.

Project Reference



Intervention Region


Total Investment


IPN Investment


Total Eligible


IPN Eligible


EC Funding – Total


EC Funding – IPN



36 Months

Start Date


End Date


Approval Date



Deemaze - Software, Lda
Instituto Pedro Nunes
Bom Pulso - Ginásio de manutenção e reabilitação, Lda
Universidade de Coimbra


Health & wellbeing;
Artificial Inteligence.