IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes - Delegation from Guangzhou visits Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora
Delegation from Guangzhou visits Instituto Pedro Nunes
Clique aqui para a versão em português. 

On 11 September, Instituto Pedro Nunes (IPN) received a delegation from the Chinese city of Guangzhou (Canton), a twin city of Coimbra.

The group, led by Chen Shuang, Director-General of the Guangzhou Municipal Bureau of Education, was made up of Chen Jianhua, Deputy Director-General of the Municipal Bureau of Industry and Information Technology, Xu Hemiao, Director of the General Office of the Department of Education, and Li Ying, Director of the Division of Vocational Education and Lifelong Learning.

The visit began with a presentation of IPN, during which they were welcomed by Paulo Santos, IPN's Director of Incubation and Acceleration. During the presentation, topics such as innovation, research and entrepreneurship were discussed, and some of the projects developed at the institute were highlighted. The visit was accompanied by Councillor Miguel Fonseca, from the Municipality of Coimbra.


12 of September of 2023
