IPN - Instituto Pedro Nunes

IPN     IPN Incubadora

An Innovative RFID Security SEAL for Aircraft Galley Trolleys


The Air-Seal project arose from the need to guarantee security in the supply of goods and merchandise shipped on aeroplanes and enable the immediate reporting of possible violations of previously sealed goods. This concern assumed greater prominence after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in the U.S. to the extent that catering services became the weakest link in terms of safety in the aviation industry. Under these circumstances, it was essential to develop a mechanism to seal and monitor the integrity of food in trolleys carried aboard aircraft.


The project developed a device to instantly seal trolleys carrying food inside aircraft. Any attempted violation is immediately detected, enabling the integrity of the food to be monitored. The device is intended for the catering industry but can also be used to guarantee the security of goods containers through the instantaneous detection of faults in the seals including information about where violations occurred. The technology developed by the Air-Seal project also facilitates easy airport ground force inspection and the identification of all goods in transit as an alternative to current manual verification.

Project Reference



FP7 - Research for the benefit of specific groups
FP7 - Research for the benefit of specific groups



End Date



Maple Fleet Services Ltd (UK); Instituto Pedro Nunes (PT); Cogent Technology Ltd - UK; Ardaco, AS (SK); Lacobucci SPA (IT); Transguard Group LLC (EAU); The UK Intelligent Systems Research Institute Limited (UK).




RFID, aviation security, aircraft galley trolleys